"Rhyming Couplet" in California

"Shakespeare: A Celebration" 

Cal Lutheran University, California.

Three of my works including 'Rhyming Couplet' (below) are being featured in "Shakespeare; A Celebration" exhibition at the Cal Lutheran University in California until 28th September 2017 in the Kwong Fang Gallery of Art and Culture. (For more info - click the link below.)

Two additional works of mine (See below) are also included in this exhibition

Collagraph 33" x 24"

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind"
A Midsummer's Night's Dream Act: 1 Scene1

"Fairy Tales"
Etching 16" x 19"

"Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep
Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming
The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked
I cried to dream again"  
The Tempest Act III Scene II