My new print 'Glimpse" Carborundum Monoprint has been selected for the National Original Print exhibition showing in London from 17th September 2014 exhibition continues until 28th september 2014 @ 36 x 24 "91 x 61 cm
I'm so delighted to be part of this international show especially as this piece , for me, is so new and important in many ways - I experimented with this plate with various mediums and the 'look' I was seeking suddenly emerged - I had approached it in a completely different manner from previous prints- instead of initially using my favorite black ink, I impregnated this carborundum plate first with charcoal & then applied layers of transparent white ink etc - Blah Blah - I can't get too technical - suffice to say I'm pleased…excited!
Bankside Gallery, 48 Hopton Street, London SE1 9JH
Tel; 020 7928 7521